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NEW! Girls' Mindfulness, Meditation & Yoga Program Returning: La Salle


Is there a special girl (aged 8-12 yrs old) in your life who is interested in learning about yoga, exploring mindfulness and making her own vision board creations?! Register her with the MacDonald-Headingley Recreation District to join the “Girls’ Mindfulness and Yoga” programs I am offering this fall in both La Salle, MB and Headingley, MB.

I had the opportunity to lead this program last year in Oak Bluff and the experience was incredible. There were 10 girls and me… doing all kinds of crazy fun yoga, having open and honest conversations about life as a girl and creating uniquely expressive vision boards… and covering absolutely everything in sparkles, stickers and glitter! Obviously. I know the girls learned a lot about their favourite yoga poses and I hope they went home feeling empowered and inspired our time together — I know I did.

I received amazing feedback from the girls themselves as well as one very special email from one of the girls’ mothers…

“I just wanted to say thank you for offering such a wonderful class. It offered a powerful message which I hope Brooke will carry forward with her. I also wanted to say thank you for offering a free class. The time and energy it took for you to put on those classes is appreciated. Lastly, Beth* came home with a ton of craft supplies. She was so excited with everything she brought home and was proud of her vision board.”

My heart melts! I can’t wait to meet the girls in Headingley and La Salle so we can get to the work of being awesome yoginis, creative artists and empowered visionaries! I hope to see your girl there.

Here’s the program description found in the Macdonald-Headingley Recreation District’s registration guide as well as the details regarding time, date and locations…

This program is designed to empower growing girls through mindfulness techniques, yoga and meditation to promote emotional resilience, increase self-esteem and build confidence as well as cultivate a healthy body (image) and calm mind. Each week will incorporate discussions on topics including body image, the effects of media and advertising, dealing with emotions, etc. We will also explore journaling, vision boards and more. Please bring your yoga mat!

Grades 4-6

Every Thursday, beginning October 18 until November 22

4:30 - 5:30pm

La Salle School (La Salle, MB)

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