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Sunday Restorative Yoga Sequence: Quiet Back Bends

I love Restorative Yoga everyday, but on Sundays in particular. This practice is the epitome of rest and relax. Four gentle supported back bends to softly open up what feels stuck, a cozy forward fold to provide a complimentary sense of grounding and a fully supported savasana to bask in.

Ultra Mild Flat Blanket Supported Back Bend (5 mins)

Two blankets folded flat and wide to create a source of low elevation. Recline over top of the blankets and position the top edge of the blanket in line with roughly the middle portion of the shoulder blades so that the top of the shoulders hover just about the ground and the back of your head is on the mat. In other words, the whole back of the torso is resting on the blanket, but the shoulders are not. Rest the arms out to the sides with arms toward the sky.

Supported Fish Pose Variation A —

Double Burrito Blanket (5-10 mins)

Roll up your two blankets into short Burrito shapes — the smaller Burrito blanket will support the low back curvature and the slightly larger Burrito blanket will support the midback, near the lower/mid shoulder blades. If there’s no size difference in the size of your Burritos, just place both bolsters side by side horizontally across your mat. Sit in front of the first/smaller bolster and recline back while keeping the second/larger in place. Rest the arms out to the sides with arms toward the sky. Option: Legs extended or knees bent, feet on the floor; prop your head up on a pillow.

Leg Variations: Gentle Twist from Constructive Rest position...

Leg Variations: Reclined Butterfly.

Bolster Supported Back Bend (5-7 mins)

Position the bolster lengthways on the mat and lay back so that bottom tip of the shoulder blades rests at the top edge of the bolster; the shoulders heads are not on the bolster and they are hovering above the ground; crown of the head on the floor; legs are extended above the floor and heels are supported by a block.

Supported Fish Pose Variation B — Blocks (5-10 mins)

Place one block horizontally on its lowest/second highest height in position to provide support the lower/middle portion of your shoulder blades. Another block supports the back of the skull, on whichever height best suits the neck. Recline back slowly and re-position as needed until you’re comfortable. Rest the arms out to the sides with arms toward the sky. Option: Legs extended or knees bent, feet on the floor; prop your head up on a pillow.

Leg Variations: Reclined Butterfly.

Childs Pose with Forearms on Blocks (5-7 mins)

Place a blanket across the middle of your mat to provide extra knee comfort. Come into Childs Pose on the blanket with the knees wide; place two blocks on their lowest height on slightly diagonals so you can rest the front of your forearms on the blocks, arms in a gentle diamond shape.

Ultra Cozy Supported Savasana (5-15 mins)

Reclined position with a blanket rolled up under the back of the ankles as well as the back of the knees; back of the head resting on a pillow with neck curvature supported.

Namaste, beautiful yogi.

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